Together We’re Better  

You have a deep desire to leave a Kingdom impact—to be part of something bigger. Here at Nexus, we believe in that same mission. Having cared for hundreds of church leaders for nearly 20 years, our goal is to see disciple-making communities multiply throughout the U.S. But we can’t do it without your help. 

We realize that our church planting efforts succeed in great part because of your partnership.

Phil Claycomb
Executive Director

3 Ways to Get Involved


Join our monthly prayer gathering as we pray through the Psalms together, asking the Lord to do a great work in our lives, our leaders, and through the church plants in our network!


Together, we can launch new church plants, nurture tomorrow’s leaders today, and encourage others across the country to pursue God’s calling in their own communities!


Meet the incredible church planting leaders you support, grow together, and be challenged in your life and leadership at one of our upcoming events!

Join Us for
Monthly Prayer

Join Phil Claycomb and others on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at Noon CDT. 

“I’ve been pretty clear that I’m a fan of the Psalms. They help me in ways other scriptures do not. And so I’ll guide us through a quick tour of a psalm each month. We will then let that psalm guide us through a shared prayer time.”– Phil Claycomb 

Please plan to join us when you can. We’ll also record the sessions on the Psalms for you to review at your leisure.

Online Giving

Simple and secure. Give a single donation, or schedule a recurring donation using your checking account, credit card, or debit card.

“I have not been a part of anything this good before… genuinely. Nexus has been my fortress, my respite, in so many ways.“

Willie Tryon, Lead Pastor - Forge Christian Church

Get Inspired  

Join us at one of our live events. ThinkNEXT is an incredible time as we gather our network to encourage and equip one another to live out the church-planting vision God called us to. We would love to see you there!

Upcoming Events
Don't miss out on upcoming events! Click here to learn more and register.
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