Does your church need a renewed sense of vision?

The last couple of years has left church leaders reeling from uncertainty, division, and frustration in life and ministry. We’ve felt it too. The chaos of a post-covid, post-Christian, and post-logical culture is challenging to navigate. But the world has always been crazy; it’s just our turn to lead it!
Instead of hunkering down in some last remaining vestige of comfort and security, we must face the uncertainty raising the banner that Jesus saves. We need a renewed sense of vision!
Having a clear and compelling vision that unifies your leaders and revives your sense of mission is crucial.

Join us for…

This one-day training will help your team kickstart crucial conversations around your church’s vision. It will help you move beyond the urgent whirlwind of life and ministry, elevating the hearts of your team to focus on the truly important.
In partnership with Nexus: Church Planting and Leader Care, your local church planting network is hosting this one-day training as an opportunity to encourage, equip, and connect with you and your leaders.
So join us for this training and renew your church’s vision!

reSTART the Vision Conversation

You know it; we know it… vision leaks. The shared dream that exists in the hearts of your leaders wanes quickly. We need to consistently engage in crucial conversations amid the whirlwind of ministry. At reVISION, we will facilitate a time to help your leaders restart the vision conversation!

reEVALUATE Your Church’s Vision

Where are you now? Where are you headed? What’s it going to take to get you there? Vision isn’t just a one-and-done thing. It’s an ongoing pursuit of the more significant things God has called you to. At reVISION, we will help you evaluate your vision and push you toward a unifying shared dream!

reNEW Your Team’s Vision

Move forward TOGETHER. Your team is pulled in many directions. Having a vivid sense of shared vision helps to align your activity towards a common goal. At reVISION, your team will leave equipped to pursue a clear vision together!

To learn more and schedule an event for your network:

Contact Phil Claycomb