As of 2020, we have helped plant 60+ churches. The first four of the projects listed below (2003-2005) were launched while the Claycomb’s were living in California and working in Texas through Stadia: new church strategies. The Claycomb’s moved to Texas in 2006 to launch Nexus and started launching the new churches listed below (2006-2013). Most of these projects are “daughter” churches – with Nexus and her partners coordinating the project, raising the funds, and hiring the church-planting leaders. Some of the projects are “orphans”… these are projects that started without our assistance but quickly came under the Nexus umbrella for Leader Care and limited partnership funding. Unfortunately, not all of our projects survive – we are currently seeing 80% of our projects both survive as well as give birth to their own daughter projects. Our newest plant, Story Christian Church in Aubrey, Texas is a daughter of Ranchland Church (McKinney, Texas).